Friday, February 22, 2008

Journal Entry #3

This is my third journal entry for ETC547.

What is going well?
There are a lot of things that I feel are going well in the class. I am feeling more and more comfortable with the new technologies we are using. My group did their first meeting in Elluminate last Sunday, I successfully uploaded my first assignment in TaskStream, and I just feel more fluent with Vista. My group seems to be working well together. Everyone seems flexible and supportive and willing to help each other out. I have noticed that we have fewer postings on our discussion board than other groups and I hope that is because we are getting along and working cooperatively.

What is not going so well or my frustrations?
I think that the one thing that is frustrating me right now is difficulty in locating peer reviewed journal articles for the scholarly paper. I have gone on the NAU library site and searched through Google, but just have not been successful. I think that I will talk with my team members and see if they have any suggestions.

I have also been working on the data analysis assignment. I thought I had completed it pretty well until I really looked at the rubric and saw that I had not completely approached it in the right way. So I will be going back and working on that some more before I meet with my group on Sunday.

My accomplishments
Two of my accomplishments are a successful Elluminate meeting where I was the one who set up our meeting time and called in prior to the meeting to be the moderator. Sometimes I am not good at taking the lead on something, but I did for this. And also successfully uploading that first TaskStream assignment.

My life as an online learner
As an online learner, I am making connections to prior learning and building new skills – both technology skills and content knowledge. I have also learned that I need to sometimes more carefully read assignments, especially rubrics or other grading criteria to ensure I am doing my best work or not repeating work. I continue to be motivated and am striving the learn all that I can to help improve the skills that I already have in place.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Journal Entry #2

What is going well.
I am feeling pretty good about things so far. I've kept up with the assignments and am looking forward to working with and getting to know some other students. I feel like I am learning how to maneuver through the course and find where to post assignments, check e-mail and grades, and so on. The readings have caused me to think and reflect on previous learning and recall prior knowledge.

What is not going so well in the course or frustrations.
As I go in and read the posting of other students, their responses seem very analytical and philosophical. I don't feel that my responses are but that perhaps is not my personality. I think that I worry that I will not appear to be as intelligent or on the same level with other students. I am just hoping that I can keep up with all of the work and show my potential. The Scholarly Paper assignment seems a little overwhelming!

My accomplishments
I have begun communicating with two other students who will be in my group. Often times I am not very outgoing and do not make the first move to communicate. So my initiating some conversations is a good thing. Outside of this class I have some accomplishments that I am proud of also. I am a "technology peer coach" and my primary job is to work with teachers on integrating technology into their teaching. One teacher that I have worked with over the past couple of weeks had never used video, PowerPoint, or other forms of technology with her students. We just did a project where the students created public service announcements. They did brochures, PowerPoints, and videos. The teacher learned how to use her digital projector to present the assignment through a PowerPoint and to present the student's work. She is very proud of her accomplishments and is ready to do more!

My life as an online learner
This is my first online course. I use technology all day long in my job and help teachers to do so also. I am excited about learning new technologies as I work through the course and look forward to being able to share some of those with the teachers and students I work with. I think that I will do well in the course since I am very organized and self motivated.