Friday, February 22, 2008

Journal Entry #3

This is my third journal entry for ETC547.

What is going well?
There are a lot of things that I feel are going well in the class. I am feeling more and more comfortable with the new technologies we are using. My group did their first meeting in Elluminate last Sunday, I successfully uploaded my first assignment in TaskStream, and I just feel more fluent with Vista. My group seems to be working well together. Everyone seems flexible and supportive and willing to help each other out. I have noticed that we have fewer postings on our discussion board than other groups and I hope that is because we are getting along and working cooperatively.

What is not going so well or my frustrations?
I think that the one thing that is frustrating me right now is difficulty in locating peer reviewed journal articles for the scholarly paper. I have gone on the NAU library site and searched through Google, but just have not been successful. I think that I will talk with my team members and see if they have any suggestions.

I have also been working on the data analysis assignment. I thought I had completed it pretty well until I really looked at the rubric and saw that I had not completely approached it in the right way. So I will be going back and working on that some more before I meet with my group on Sunday.

My accomplishments
Two of my accomplishments are a successful Elluminate meeting where I was the one who set up our meeting time and called in prior to the meeting to be the moderator. Sometimes I am not good at taking the lead on something, but I did for this. And also successfully uploading that first TaskStream assignment.

My life as an online learner
As an online learner, I am making connections to prior learning and building new skills – both technology skills and content knowledge. I have also learned that I need to sometimes more carefully read assignments, especially rubrics or other grading criteria to ensure I am doing my best work or not repeating work. I continue to be motivated and am striving the learn all that I can to help improve the skills that I already have in place.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Blog 3 Response: Thanks for your third submission.
This course is a lot of stretching and disequilibrium but you will truly be amazed that there is a method to our madness – and its not to drive you to it!
You may want to try some of the educational databases online. These usually have peer-reviewed journals.
Feel free to ask lots of questions as I know I do better when I feel my progress is validated.
Have a good week.